9th Internal Control Congress For Africa

2-3 August 2022 @ Vic Fall Safari Lodge, Victoria Fals


CONGRESS - Slideshow

Our Solutions are customizable!

Each corporate culture faces different business risks and views control implementation differently. Each ICIZ tool comes with customization instructions designed to help you achieve your unique control needs.

Our Certification Programs recognizes professionalism, experience and knowledge!

The Internal Control Institute Zimbabwe programs were developed by leading internal control professionals to recognize individuals who demonstrate a predefined level of internal control competency.

The Internal Control Institute of Zimbabwe™ was the first such organization, in Zimbabwe, specifically organized with the expressed purpose of concentrating on and establishing the internal control profession. The process of establishing ICIZ began years ago. Preparation for its professional certification programs provides individuals with the knowledge and expertise to detect and avoid such infractions in organizations.









+263 4 443124 / +263 772 675 810 / +263 71 946 9893



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