ICIZ Membership
When you become a member of the Internal Control Institute Zimbabwe (ICIZ), you connect to a network of professionals through local and regional communities, high-quality events, and industry-specific groups. Engage with peers, share knowledge, and collaborate on best practices in internal control and governance.
Member Benefits
ICIZ membership has been specifically designed to help internal control professionals to keep abreast of information and activities in the internal control area. This membership is available to any professional desiring to maintain and improve individual expertise. Our Members receive access to a suite of tools that foster professional development and enhancement of career growth, through every state of their career. Whether you new to the industry, a long-time veteran or somewhere in-between, we will help you meet tomorrow's challenges today
Membership Categories
Any organization that is registered in terms of the Laws of Zimbabwe is eligible for Corporate Membership status. There are categories under corporate membership.
Corporate Membership
Platinum Membership
USD $ 2 000
- Platinum Membership Certificates
- Inclusion of your logo will on all ICIZ material & website.
- Branding and information dissemination opportunities at
all ICIZ events - Discounted rate for attendance at all ICIZ events.
- Discounted rate for all in-house training for your
organisation. - Discounted rate for advert placement in the Zimbabwe
Internal Control Magazine. - Allocation of free editorial space in the Zimbabwe
Internal Control Magazine. - Discounted rates for your employees to attend our
various training programmes.
Diamond Membership
USD $ 1 500
- Diamond Membership Certificates
- Branding and information dissemination at selected
ICIZ events - Discounted rate for attendance at all ICIZ events.
- Discounted rate for all in-house training for your
organisation. - Discounted rate for advert placement in the Zimbabwe
Internal Control Magazine. - Discounted rates for your employees to attend our
various training programmes.
Gold Membership
USD $ 1 000
- Silver Membership Certificates
- Branding and information dissemination at selected
ICIZ events - Discounted rate for attendance at all ICIZ events
Discounted rate for all in-house training for your
organisation. - Discounted rate for advert placement in the Zimbabwe
Internal Control Magazine.
Individual Membership
Fellow Member
USD $250
- Membership Certificates
- Discounted rate for attendance at all ICIZ events (for
paid up members only) - Attendance to Internal Control Practitioners networking
events - Routine Alert on Internal Control information/ news.
- Networking with other Internal Control Practitioners,
Regional, and International during conferences and other
platforms. - Allocation of free editorial space in the Zimbabwe
Internal Control Magazine. - Opportunity to participate in ICIZ training programmes
and conferences a Facilitator.
USD $200
- Membership Certificates
- Discounted rate for attendance at all ICIZ events (for
paid up members only) - Routine Alert on Internal Controls information/ news.
- Networking with other Local, Regional, and International
Internal Control Practitioners during conferences and
other platforms. - Allocation of free editorial space in the Zimbabwe
Internal Control Magazine.
Affiliate Member
USD $ 150
- Membership Certificates
- Discounted rate for attendance at all ERMIZ events
(for paid up members only) - Routine Alert on Enterprise Risk Management
information/ news. - Networking with other Risk Managers Locally,
Regionally, and International during conferences and
other platforms.
Certified Internal Control Specialist (CICS)
This is a personal, professional certification of competence that is granted to individuals who meet the requirements of the certification program. Individuals must demonstrate an understanding and comprehension of the Internal Control Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) by successfully completing an online examination. This competency prepares the internal control specialist to assist organizations to design and/or assess internal control and to assist management in installing internal control processes
Certified Internal Control Specialist (CICS)
This is a senior-level, highly skilled internal control professional certification. Individuals qualifying for this designation must satisfy and substantiate the extensive skills and knowledge requirements established by the ICI Certifications Board. The cornerstone of the CICP requirements focuses on the individual’s actual professional experience in the skill categories of the Internal Control Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK). Individuals qualifying for this certification, must have substantiated and verifiable participation in internal control CBOK areas
Become a Member
Our mantra is "it's not about age, it's about stage". Whatever stage you are in your career, being a part of the Institute will provide you with opportunities and tools you need for continuous growth. You gain access to a professional development pathway, assisting you to expand your knowledge and skills.